Video: 3.5/5
Sound: 4/5
Extras: 3.5/5
Overall: 3.5/5
Caligula - I Did Not Know What I Was Getting Myself Into.
I bought a copy at Blockbuster and oh, boy! I did not know what I was getting myself into. I had no idea how crazy the film was with all the sexual content and I was just blown away by it. And that is not a good thing. I'll probably watch the film again but not for a long time.
I give it a 3.5 out of 5. It's soft but I'm sure that's due to the age of the film. It's a good 30 years old. But it looks good for it's age.
It was good but just not that good if you catch my drift.
A lot of extras but I ended up just skimming through them. The 2nd disc of bonus material is a DVD disc and not Blu-Ray.
3.5 out of 5. With a soft video, decent sound, and a lackluster of a second disc with bonus mateial; this a good release if you can find it for under $15. I got it for the awesome price of $2.99 USED at Blockbuster.